How many parks and reserves are there in Kenya?
Kenya has a total of 54 national parks and reserves. The largest of these parks, Tsavo East and West national parks, cover some 21,754 square kilometers – more than 450 square kilometers larger than Wales – while the smallest, Saiwa Swamp National Park, measures just 3 square kilometers. The management of our parks and reserves is the responsibility of the Kenya Wildlife Service and individual county councils. For more information on Kenya’s parks, please visit: www.kws.org.
How many tourists visit Kenya and from where?
More than 500,000 tourists visit Kenya each year. Most of them come from Europe and America, with Europe accounting for over 70% of the country’s visitors. Other tourists come from Asia, Scandinavia, and other African countries. Among the European countries, Germany, Britain, France, Italy, Belgium and Switzerland contribute the highest number of tourists. From Asia, Japan is the leading market.
What are Kenya’s main attractions?
Kenya boasts seven wild habitats in one country, ranging from open savannah to sandy beaches, deep forests to snow-capped mountains, wild deserts to coral reefs and river deltas. The country’s other natural attractions include a diverse culture, with 42 ethnic groups, a rich sporting history, and several major archaeological sites. Of course, none of these attractions would be complete without Kenya’s warm people and their famous hospitality. After a century as Africa’s main tourist destination, Kenya’s primary attraction remains its diverse and bountiful wildlife. The country’s national parks and reserves – as well as a growing number of conservation conscious private ranches – remain the best place in Africa to see the ‘Big Five’ (elephant, rhino, buffalo, lion and leopard), as well as several highly endangered species, such as Grevy zebra, black rhino, African hunting dog, and sable and Hirola antelope. The country is also blessed with some of the world’s richest birdlife – some 1,500 species in all – with Lake Baringo holding the world record for the number of species spotted in a single day. Kenya’s small mammals, reptiles and insects also offer fascinating smaller-scale safaris, including a new category to tick off in the ‘Small Five’ (leopard tortoise, ant lion, elephant shrew, buffalo weaver and rhinoceros beetle). For more information, visit the Kenya Tourist Board’s award-winning website: www.magicalkenya.com.
Are there tourist seasons in Kenya?
There are two high and two low tourist seasons each year. The high seasons are from July to September and December to February, with the low seasons from March to June and October to December. During the low seasons, the country continues to receive some international visitors, together with a sizeable number of domestic tourists.
Are the tourist seasons tied to the climate?
Kenya’s tourism seasons are determined more by the traveling patterns of its visitors than by climatic conditions. The country enjoys a hot tropical climate almost all year round, except for a wet season between April and June and a cold season in July and August. Even during the wet and cold seasons, daytime temperatures rarely fall below 16 Celsius.
How easy is it to get to Kenya?
Kenya is served by several major airlines, which fly in to Jomo Kenyatta International Airport in Nairobi and Moi International Airport in Mombasa. Some Commonwealth citizens do not require visas. We strongly recommend you check with the nearest Kenya Embassy or your travel agent to ensure you have the most up to date visa information. Yellow fever and cholera vaccinations are required only for visitors arriving from countries where these diseases are endemic. Check with your Embassy and/or local heath office for more details.
How can one minimize health risks while on holiday?
Anti-malarial prophylactics should be taken before, during and after your visit, especially if you are visiting coastal areas. Good medical facilities are available in all of Kenya’s major cities. Membership with groups such as the Flying Doctors is also recommended. Hotels, camps and lodges usually provide either bottled water or filtered water for drinking. Visitors should try not to drink the tap water.
Who plans for the tourism industry in Kenya?
Tourism planning in Kenya is a collaborative effort between the government and the private sector. While the government plays a major role in terms of policy formulation, other stakeholders are involved in initiatives to support government policy by organizing themselves into societies and associations. The main government department responsible for policy formulation is the Ministry of Tourism and Information. The Kenya Tourist Board has the responsibility of translating our marketing strategies into visitor numbers, while the Kenya Tourist Development Corporation works to provide an enabling environment for investment in tourism. Supporting the country’s efforts to build a world-class tourism destination is the Utalii College in Nairobi, Africa’s only specialized tourism college, which offers training in hotel and restaurant management, tour guiding, and other customer services.
Can I be guided by a member of the local community?
Yes. Many lodges and camps are now giving members of neighboring communities a chance to guide. This helps to add a wealth of traditional local knowledge to the visitor’s experience. In some instances, a more experienced/college-trained guide may need to accompany the community guide to ensure that the visitor gets a high quality experience.